Need help with your writing? Want to finish that book but don’t know where to start or what to do now? Want to get published? A mentor may be just what you need.

Mentoring is the art of taking someone under your wing and helping them to become successful. Imagine having someone to go to when you get stuck or have questions. Having an accountability partner in your corner can really make a difference between failure and success. Life can get hard, but it sure is a lot easier when you have someone to help you along the way.

Don’t wait any longer. Choose one of the following packages and start your journey today. (All meetings are online.)

Package one – $75 month

Meet Once a month for an hour to talk about where you’re at with your book or writing career and where you need to go. Get suggestions. Answers questions.

Package two – $125 month

Meet twice a month for an hour to talk about where you’re at with your book or writing career and where you need to go. Give suggestions. Answers questions.

Package three – $250 month

Meet once a week for an hour to talk about where you’re at with your book or writing career, where you want to go with it and help you to know your options. You can use your hour to get help with your writing, talk about publishing, get advise on proposals, query letters and marketing. Get suggestions and answers to your questions.